
Etihad Airways Online Booking at Findmyfare

Etihad Airways is the national airways of UAE. With experience it is known as the fastest growing airline in the industry.It has also won the World's leading airline award for five consecutive years. Customers are able to book Etihad flights through FindMyFare including transiting flights,since the airline flies to many destinations through partnering with other airlines customers will be able to continue on flying without any hassle of check-in and baggage clearance since it will be handeled by Etihad Airways.


Etihad up to 350 destinations partnering with other airlines covering Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and North America

Flight Facilities

Along with 88 Etihad Airways provides customers themselves in-flight entertainment with 8 TV channels, more than 200 movies and music as well through internet connectivity that passengers can access through their mobiles. Each seat contains a TV facility, sockets to charge and to connect on USB in every class.


PassengerClassWeight Allowance *Hand LuggageExtra Charges
Adult/ChildFirst Class50Kg12KgFrom 17USD to 58USD per Kg depending on the country
Adult/ChildBusiness Class40Kg12KgFrom 17USD to 58USD per Kg depending on the country
Adult/ChildEconomy Class30Kg7Kg (1pc)From 17USD to 58USD per Kg depending on the country
Infants10Kg5KgFrom 17USD to 58USD per Kg depending on the country
*Baggage allowances may vary according to route and cabin class. Please check the exact baggage regulations printed on your ticket.

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